How do I get an internship through IAESTE?


  • You must be enrolled as a student in a German University
  • In order to be eligible for internship, you must have completed your 3rd semester in the Bachelor / Master program or the intermediate diploma
  • You must be below 30 years old
  • English language skills 
  • Further requirements such as foreign languages ​​and specialties are specified by the employer

 There are basically three options to get an internship through IAESTE:

1. The regular application procedure

By submitting the preliminary application to the German application system you will be accepted into the pool of applicants. Internships are offered depending on your country of choice, the desired internship period and your qualification.

We would like to point out that there are more applicants than vacancies and therefore not all wishes can be fulfilled.

2.The direct application for remaining internships

After the regular application procedure, there are often some internship-offers remaining. These remaining internship offers are awarded in the post-exchange session. This process is done independently and therefore submission of a pre-application is no longer considered. You will find the corresponding offers on the homepage under News. If you have found an offer that suits you, please get in touch quickly, because these offers are on first come first served basis.

3. The early offers and late offers

In the course of the year spontaneous internships of foreign IAESTE National Committees arrive. The early offers are those internship offers that appear before the actual award phase. Late offers are those internships that arise after the actual award phase. This usually happens when a trainee has dropped out at short notice. These offers will be published here and on . If you are interested in any of these offers please contact us as soon as possible because these offers are advertised nationwide and also internationally.