Slowenien (2018/19)
1 year (and more) in Lubljana
The opportunity to live and work in Ljubljana sparked my imagination and carrier.
Thanks a ton IAESTE!
Ukraine (2019)
Drei Monate in der Ukraine
„Was, du gehst in die Ukraine? Da ist doch gerade Krieg, das ist doch viel zu gefährlich!“ „Warum
denn ausgerechnet dorthin? Da ist es doch so kalt und so grau...“
Portugal (2019)
5 Monate in Lissabon
The internship experience I had was as challenging as it was interesting and productive. I have started to think more creatively and critically. I’m proud of my entire experience at EDP as I was actively involved and was a part of the decision making process...
Serbien (2019)
Summer internship in Belgrade
In conclusion, it was a memorable experience. I thank the Rostock IAESTE and the Belgrade IAESTE that gave me the opportunity to experience intercultural diversity while gaining experience in my chosen profession...
Brasilien (2019)
Praktikum in Sorocaba
Von Mitte Juli bis Mitte September 2019 war ich für ein IAESTE-Praktikum an der UNESP in Sorocaba ...
Brasilien (2019)
Ultimately left to say: this internship has greatly enriched my life and will remain unforgotten.
From Day 1 I got well integrated into the agency of promotion and advertisement at the
FEMA university ...
Iran (2019)
Praktikum von August bis Mitte September 2019 an der K. N. Toosi University of Technology (Teheran)
Durch eine Rundmail des Studiendekanates erfuhr ich Ende Februar von einem übrigen IAESTE-Praktikumsplatz im Iran ...
Ghana (2019)
6 weeks Ghana in summer 2019
I studied medical biotechnology and after I finished my bachelor thesis I went to Kumasi, Ghana with IAESTE for a 6-week-internship ...
Tschechien (2019)
Working as a mechanical engineer in CZ
Overall, I had an amazing experience and many wonderful memories during this period, and I must
thank the IAESTE for providing me with such an opportunity and also to my company and all my
colleagues for being part of this beautiful journey and making my stay memorable ...
Spanien (2018)
Spontan nach Madrid
It all started in my third semester when an idea of doing an internship struck me ...
Kenia (2018)
Abenteuer in Kenia
Neben dem Aufwand zum Erhalt eines Praktikumsplatzes durch IAESTE, war relativ wenig
Vorbereitungsarbeit zu leisten ...
Kroatien (2018)
1 Monat in Split
Following a tiny break after the semester exams, I reached Croatia on 1st of September,2018 to be an intern for a month at a prestigious University of Split ...
UAE (2018)
3 Моnate an der University of Sharjah
I had applied for an Internship through IAESTE towards the end of my second semester of my
Masters in Electrical Engineering ...
Russland (2018)
Bio-Praktikum in Moskau
Im folgenden führe ich meine Erfahrungen bezüglich meines Aufenthaltes in Russland (Moskau) mit
IAESTE auf ...
Belgien (2018)
Praktikum in Ghent
I decided to go on an internship abroad after completing two semesters of my Masters in Computational Science and Engineering ...
Kroatien (2018)
Krithika an einer kroatischen Universität
I am a third semester student doing my master’s in Computational science and ...
Russland (2018)
Sophies Praktikum in Moskau
Die Zusage für mein Praktikum kam ...
Ghana (2017)
Christians 8 Wochen in Ghana
Meine Reise begann an einem Freitag im August. Nach vielen Stunden Flug ...
Russland (2017)
Moritz' Monat in Russland
Ich studiere Wirtschaftswissenschaften im 4. Fachsemester und habe ...
Mazedonien (2017)
8 Wochen in Skopje
Nach den Prüfungen ging es für mich für acht Wochen nach Mazedonien ...
Argentinien (2017)
Franziskas Praktikum an der Universität
Nach den letzten Prüfungen des Sommersemesters saß ich Ende August endlich ...
Serbien (2016)
Julius' Zeit in Nis
Vom 08.08. bis 16.09.2016 arbeitete ich in der Gruppe für theoretische Quantenoptik an der ...